WT Buttorup - Documentation

  1. Login to WordPress Admin
  2. From WordPress Admin, click on Appearance -> Customize from WordPress admin sidebar menu

    global themes customize

  3. Click on WooCommerce

    global themes click subs api key

  4. Click on Product Catalog

    customize wc product catalog

  5. Now edit options as you need

    customize wc product catalog details

  6. Go back and click on Product Images

    customize wc product image

  7. Edit options as you need

    customize wc product image details

  8. Go back to root and click on Wt Products Styles

    customize wt products styles

  9. Click on Products Listing Styles

    customize wt products listing styles

  10. Edit options as you need

    customize wt products details styles details

  11. Go back and click on Product Details Styles

    customize wt products details styles

  12. Edit options as you need

    customize wt products details styles details