WT Lightcoral - Documentation

What is Quickstart Package?

Quickstart Package is a complete installation of WordPress that includes the core WordPress files together with the Theme, Plugins and sample demo data as shown on the demo site. When you install the Quickstart package, it creates a copy with all the demo data and configuration, so you can get started with replacing contents and images with your own.

Please note that, images showing on the demo site will replace with a demo image in the Quickstart installation package except few. Please don't use images provided with the Quickstart package on your production/live site as they are not free to share and licensed for demo purpose only.



  • Quickstart installation package includes core WordPress files, it means you don't need to install WordPress separately.
  • You can't install Quickstart package on existing WordPress site.
  • Quickstart installation package isn't a plugin or theme.
  • You can't install Quickstart package with Theme or Plugin installer from WordPress admin.


Downloading Quickstart Installation Package:

  1. Quickstart Installation package is included with every theme without additional cost. 
  2. Login to your account at this website and navigate to ACCOUNT -> My Downloads page
  3. Download the Quickstart package zip file to your PC for the theme your purchased and want to install.


Uploading Quickstart Installation Package to Your Hosting Server:

  1. Login your hosting control panel (E.g. cPanel)
  2. Go to File Manager
  3. Navigate to the appropriate directory for the domain you want install this Quickstart package. If you have only 1 domain with this hosting, it's normally public_html. Please consult your hosting provider if you need any help with this.
  4. Upload the Quickstart Package zip file from your PC you just download
  5. After successfully uploading the Quickstart Package zip file, select and Extract/Unzip the zip file
  6. After successfully extracting, you can delete the zip file.


Installing Quickstart Installation Package:

It's similar to WordPress installation. If you know how to install WordPress, you won't see noticeable differences in this process.

  1. Browse yourdomain.com/installation and you should see contents like below screenshot

    quickstart 1 lets go

  2. As it says, create a Database and a Database User with Password by giving full permission to the database from your Hosting control panel and keep them saved on Notepad temporary. If you don't know where or how to create a Database and Database user, please contact your hosting provider or search their tutorial or documentation.
  3. Click on Let's go! button to continue the installation
  4. Now you should see contents like below screenshot

    quickstart 2 db info

  5. Copy/Paste Database Name, Database Username, Database User Password, Database Hostname and write Table Prefix. Table Prefix should be in lowercase + not more than 14 characters with underscore (_) + Should not include any special characters + should include an underscore (_) in the very last.
  6. Click on Submit button
  7. Now you should see an Installing Demo Data popup window with progress bars. Wait until you see a success or error message.
  8. If you see any error message, it means your Database informations are incorrect or you have issues with the Database or the Database server. Now close the popup window, enter correct database info and try again.
  9. If you see success message like below, click on Next Step button.

    quickstart 3 db success next

  10. On the next window, you should see contents like below screenshot

    quickstart 4 info next

  11. Enter requested information to complete the installation and click on Next button.
  12. If everything okay, you should see a confirmation window like below screenshot

    quickstart 5 finalize

  13. Click on Visit your site's front-end button to see your site home page. If you see any issues or errors, please contact our support.


Adding Subscription API Key:

Add the Subscription API Key, so you will be able to stay up-to date and update this Theme and included Plugins from your WordPress admin whenever new version available within your subscription period.

  1. Login to your account at this website and navigate to ACCOUNT -> My Subscriptions page
  2. Select and copy Subscription API Key:
  3. Browse yourdomain.com/wp-admin to login to WordPress admin
  4. Login with Username and Password you entered during installing the Quickstart Installation Package
  5. Adding Subscription API Key for theme update:

  6. Navigate to your WordPress Admin, click on Appearance -> Customize from WordPress admin sidebar menu

    global themes customize

  7. Click on Subscription API Key from sidebar options

    global themes click subs api key

  8. Paste the Subscription Api Key you just copied and click on Publish button.

    global themes enter subs api key

  9. Close the Customize window.
  10. Check WordPress admin's left sidebar menu and search for plugin name starts with WT, hover on the plugin and click on Settings like below screenshot

    global plugin click settings

  11. Now enter the Subscription API key you copied

    global plugin add subscription key

  12. Do this for all available plugins.


Attach your domains to your subscription to receive updates and support:

  1. Login to your account at this website.
  2. Go to ACCOUNT > My Domains
  4. Add your domains.



From the WordPress admin, check for any update including WordPress, Themes and Plugins and update them.


Done!. Now follow the theme documentation and edit/replace contents with yours and or create additional contents as you need.

After installing the Quickstart package, if you see any issues, please contact our support team.