WT Buttorup - Documentation

RcaTheme themes are built on the Gantry 5 Framework. Therefore, you need to install and activate the Gantry 5 plugin before installing any RcaTheme theme.


Installing Gantry 5 Plugin:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin.
  2. From the sidebar menu, go to Plugins -> Add New.

    global plugin add new

  3. Search for Gantry 5 and install the Gantry 5 Framework.

    global install gantry5 plugin

  4. If you haven’t activated the plugin yet, go to Appearance -> Installed Plugins.

    global click plugins installed plugins

  5. Activate the Gantry 5 Framework plugin.

    global gantry5 plugin activate



Installing Theme:

  1. Log in to your account on this website and navigate to the Downloads page.
  2. Download the theme you purchased to your computer.
  3. In your WordPress admin area, go to Appearance -> Themes from the sidebar menu

    global theme appearance themes

  4.  Click on the Add New button.

    global themes add new

  5. Click on the Upload Theme button.

    global theme upload theme

  6. Click on Choose File and select the theme ZIP file you downloaded from this site, then click Install Now.

    global theme choose file install now

  7. After successfully installing the theme, go to Appearance -> Themes again if you haven’t already activated the theme you just installed.

    global theme appearance themes

  8. Hover over the theme you just installed and click Activate.

    global themes activate


Add Subscription Api Key:

Add the Subscription API Key to enable theme updates within your WordPress admin whenever a new version is available within your subscription period.

  1. Log in to your account on this website and navigate to API Key page.
  2. Copy your Subscription API Key.
  3. In your WordPress admin area, go to Appearance -> Customize from the sidebar menu.

    global themes customize

  4. Select Subscription API Key from the sidebar options.

    global themes click subs api key

  5. Paste the Subscription API Key you just copied and click on the Publish button.

    global themes enter subs api key


Attach Your Domains to Your Subscription for Automatic Updates and Support:

  1. Log in to your account on this website.
  2. Go to Domains.
  3. Click on the + Add Domain button and follow the on-screen instructions.