Guest Support for Joomla!

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  • Item Type: Joomla! Component
  • Created For: Joomla!
  • Current Version: 1.1.3
  • First Released Date: Jan 8, 2023
  • Last Updated Date: Jun 23, 2024
  • Minimum Joomla! Version Required: 4.0.0
  • Last Compatibility Checked: Jun 23, 2024
  • Last Joomla! compatibility-checked version: 5.1.0

Guest Support is a free and complete customer support ticket system for Joomla!. By using this extension, you will be able to provide customer support very easily and smoothly where Users can create new Tickets and Replies and Agents can Reply to Tickets without any Login and Registration.

Features - Create new ticket:

  • Users can create ticket without any Login/Registration
  • Live Joomla! Article suggestions based on user's typing on the Subject input field through Ajax (Guest Support Pro required).
  • User can upload files with maximum allowed number of files, total files size and allowed file types/extensions based on settings.
  • Google reCAPTCHA 3 SPAM verification.
  • Verify email with OTP (One Time Password) through Ajax (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Internal email validation system to identify fake/mistyped/invalid and disposable temporary email addresses.
  • 99.9% SPAM free if you enable reCAPTCHA and Email verification.

Features - Create reply:

  • After creating a new ticket, both User and support Agent will receive email notification with a unique ticket link.
  • Agent can reply to the ticket using the unique ticket link without any Login.
  • User can reply to the ticket using the unique ticket link without any Login.
  • Both User and Agent can edit last/all reply message(s) based on settings.
  • Both User and Agent can close ticket when submitting a reply.
  • Both User and Agent can close ticket using a Close Ticket link.
  • Both User and Agent can Re-open closed ticket if allowed in the settings.
  • On the single ticket view page, both User and Agent can see links of other submitted tickets of the same user based on the user's email address.

Features - Signature and profile photo (Pro version required):

Both User and Agent can set profile photo and default signature if allowed in the settings. Login/registration required to use this feature.

Features - Create ticket for users by Administrators and Agents:

  • Admin can create tickets for other registered users from admin.
  • Agents can create tickets for other registered users from frontend (Guest Support Pro required).

Features - List of tickets:

  • Admins can see list of all ticket on the Joomla! Administrators.
  • Agent can see list of all tickets submitted to the Agent's Department on the frontend (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Registered Users can see list of all tickets (Guest Support Pro required).
  • If you a user register later with an email address that was used to submit tickets, all of the user's tickets (before and after registration) will show on frontend tickets list page (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Filter tickets by ticket status 'Open', 'Pending', 'Closed' and Departments.
  • Sort tickets by 'Ticket Created Date A-Z', 'Ticket Created Date Z-A', 'Last Reply Date A-Z' and 'Last Reply Date Z-A'
  • Search tickets by subject and email address.
  • Users and Agents still able to see list of submitted tickets on the single ticket view page without Login/Registration.

Features - Admin - Department:

  • You can create/edit/delete unlimited Departments. One Department support in free version.
  • Assign support Agent to each Department.
  • You can show/hide Departments field on the frontend ticket submission form.
  • Add additional email notifications email addresses to each Department.
  • When new ticket submitted to a specific Department, the assign support Agent and additional email addresses will receive email notifications.

Features - Admin - Forms and Form Builder:

  • You can create/edit/delete unlimited forms with dedicated custom fields, features and options. One Form support in free version.
  • You can add different forms with different and dedicated custom fields to different pages and receive support tickets.
  • You can create menu items for each form and show different forms on different pages.
  • Add unlimited custom fields (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Supported custom fields are:
    • Textbox
    • Email
    • Number Box
    • Textarea
    • Dropdown/Select
    • Radio Group
    • Checkbox Group
    • Hidden
    • Date Picker
    • Date and Time Picker
    • Content (Support HTML)

Features - Dedicated options for each form:

  • Add/edit/remove unlimited custom fields with field Name, Label, Placeholder, Error message etc (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Option to show the custom field on Ticket submission or Reply form or both (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Option to add/remove custom fields inputs on Email notifications (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Re-order all (core and custom) fields.
  • Arrange/re-arrange all (core and custom) fields with 1-3 columns.
  • Enable/disable File upload.
  • Enable/disable Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Enable/disable Email verification (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Enable/disable Joomla! article suggestions when typing on the Subject field (Guest Support Pro required).
  • Add your own CSS Classes for input fields and buttons.
  • Add your own buttons texts.

Features - Email settings and templates:

  • Support Joomla! default email delivery system.
  • Support dedicated SMTP for this extension only.
  • Dedicated and customisable new ticket and reply email templates for both Users, Agents and Additional email addresses with necessary placeholders.

How it works?

  • After creating a new ticket, a unique ticket link url will generate with 2 unique and dedicated random IDs and the ticket link url will send to Submitter and support Agent by email.
  • With the unique ticket link url both the User/submitter and the support Agent will be able to reply to the ticket without any login/registration.
  • When viewing and replying tickets, 2 unique IDs will be verified to give access to the ticket.
  • Ticket link url will send with email notifications and there is no other way to see the url.
  • Encrypted Agent information on the ticket link url to identify and verify Agent when replying as Agent.


Version 1.1.3  - June 23, 2024

  • Added functionality for Administrators to reply on behalf of Agents.

Version 1.1.2  - May 21, 2024

  • Fixed bugs in the installation script.

Version 1.1.1  - Apr 21, 2024

  • Fixed modal issue on the Joomla! version 5.1.0.

Version 1.1.0  - Apr 19, 2024

  • Replaced the editor script to fix the typing issue in the message field.
  • Redesigned the form editing page on the backend.
  • Enhanced the departments system to allow assigning departments to specific forms. This enables users to see only the relevant department for each form.
  • Added a new field type called 'Plugin Field' and implemented plugin events for creating input fields. This allows you to create custom input fields by using plugin events.
  • Added new search and filter options on the Ticket listing page on both the frontend and backend.
  • Fixed bugs in the cron controller.
  • Added 'login required' option for custom fields. Once activated, users or agents must log in to view the message of the custom field. Useful for collecting sensitive informations like website login credentials.
  • Implemented a new email template for OTP verification emails.
  • Added email subjects for all email templates.
  • Introduced new settings for actions after successfully creating a ticket. Users now have the choice to display a customized message or redirect to the ticket view page.
  • Provided options on forms to toggle visibility of elements in the ticket view page's sidebar.
  • Added additional options to the sidebar, including displaying user email, department name, form name, and HTML-supported messages at the top and bottom.
  • Expanded the number of placeholders available for email templates.
  • Implemented new features allowing pre-filled ticket submission form fields via POST or GET requests.
  • Overall improvements.

Version 1.0.10  - Jan 29, 2024

  • Enhanced styles on both the backend and frontend.

Version 1.0.9  - Jan 25, 2024

  • Updated editor script.

Version 1.0.8  - Jan 24, 2024

  • Improved OTP verification system.

Version 1.0.7  - Dec 14, 2023

  • Bug fixed.

Version 1.0.6  - Dec 12, 2023

  • Bug fixed.

Version 1.0.5  - Oct 19, 2023

  • Compatible with Joomla! 5 and PHP 8.2

Version 1.0.4 - May 17, 2023

  • Improved.

Version 1.0.3 - Date: May 17, 2023

  • Bug fixed.

Version 1.0.2 - May 17, 2023

  • Fixed the issue of invalid email when creating a ticket as a registered user.

Version 1.0.1 - Jan 13, 2023

  • Fixed attachment file not found issue.

Version 1.0.0 - Jan 08, 2023

  • Initial Release.