Pinple - Documentation

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Change Logo

  1. Log in to Joomla! Administrator if you haven't already.
  2. Access the template admin by navigating to Components -> Gantry 5 Themes -> Default Theme in the left menu.
  3. Click on Layout tab under Base Outline
  4. Scroll to the Header section and click (config icon) next to the Header Toolbar particle.


  5. Now follow Logo Options tab. 

Create and Assign Main Menu on Left Sidebar

  1. Navigate to Menus > [Your Preferred Main Menu].
  2. Create necessary menu items.
  3. Navigate to Content -> Site Modules in the left menu.
  4. Click on New to create new module and select Menu
  5. Module Position: sidebar-menu
  6. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  7. Now follow on screen instructions and setup.
  8. From Advanced tab, select Layout: navmenu

Create Popup Login Form

  1. Create Login Module:
    1. From the Modules manager, click on New to create new module.
    2. Select Login.
    3. Module Position: r-login
    4. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  2. Create Login Content Module:
    1. From the Modules manager, click on New to create new module.
    2. Select Custom.
    3. Add your preferred content.
    4. Module Position: login-content
    5. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  3. Create Login Menu Item:
    1. Navigate to Menus > [Your Preferred Main Menu].
    2. Create new menu item.
    3. Menu Item Type *: System Links > Separator
    4. Set up other elements by referencing the screenshot provided below.
      global popup login with joomla menu 1
      global popup login with joomla menu 2

HikaShop Search Module

  1. Download RCA Search for HikaShop package from your download area of this site.
  2. Follow the documentation for this package at RCA Search for HikaShop.
  3. Module Position: r-search (Copy and paste, then press Enter on your keyboard.)
  4. Menu Assignment: On all pages

VirtueMart Search Module

  1. Download VirtueMart Category Search module from your download area of if you're not using Quickstart package.
  2. Install the package you have downloaded using Joomla!'s default extension installer.
  3. Navigate to Content -> Site Modules in the left menu.
  4. Click on New to create new module and select VirtueMart Category Search
  5. Module Position: r-search (Copy and paste, then press Enter on your keyboard.)
  6. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  7. Now follow on screen instructions and setup.
    global vm category search

HikaShop Cart Module

  1. From the Modules manager, click on New button and select HikaShop Cart Module
  2. Module Position: r-cart (Copy and paste, then press Enter on your keyboard.)
  3. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  4. Now follow screenshots and setup-



VirtueMart Cart Module

  1. Download module from your download area of this site.
  2. Install using Joomla!'s default extension installer.
  3. From the Modules manager, click on New button to create new module
  4. Select VirtueMart Mini Shopping Cart
  5. Module Position: r-cart (Copy and paste, then press Enter on your keyboard.)
  6. Menu Assignment: On all pages
  7. Now follow screenshots and setup-
