Gantry 5 Tutorials - Documentation

After installing our Gantry 5 framework based template/theme, you will need to go to Gantry 5 Admin for configuring- styles, page settings, layouts, logo, menu, contents, menu assignments etc.

Accessing Gantry 5 Admin in Joomla

  1. Login to your Joomla Administrator
  2. Click on Components > Gantry 5 Themes > Default Theme

    Joomla Extensions Modules

  3. Choose an Outline which you want to configure.

    Choose gantry 5 outline


Accessing Gantry 5 Admin in WordPress

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin
  2. From WordPress admin left sidebar, click on the RcaTheme Theme name you have installed and activated

    Joomla Extensions Modules

  3. Choose an Outline which you want to configure

    Choose gantry 5 outline